I recently finished a paper for my teaching ministry with the Inversion Fellowship. We are preparing to kick off a series entitled "Lessons From the Old School - The Prophecy of Habakkuk" so I have been hitting the books and banging away on my keyboard to give our folks a substantial overview of what we will be teaching verse by verse
The paper, lets say, has ended up a bit longer than I expected. I knew I wanted to give a bit of an overview of the Old Testament, then the Minor Prophets, and finally Habakkuk's writing. I just got to having so much fun with it that it grew on me a bit. I mean, its not a book or anything - it is just 14 pages, single spaced, 10 pt font, 0.75 inch margins.
I am really thankful for how it has developed so I figured I would share it here on the POC Blog. Now, if I dropped it all up here in one post it would be a ridiculously long blog entry...so, I am going to post the paper in parts, one paper, rolled out in many acts. At the end I will post an entire PDF of the deal for those interested in filing it away somewhere.
So for starters, my next post will contain the short intro paragraph, Entering the Old School...