That’s Old School…
At times we talk about the ways of past generations which get brought back to our day for our benefit. Call it going old school. We know that some of the old ways must pass away, but much that is ancient must never be lost. Wisdom and Truth once walked among the Old Testament prophets as they journeyed with the Lord in the midst of difficult and chaotic times. Theirs was a world swirling with armies, terror, political turmoil, and many times a faithless people who turned away from God. Yet many remained filled with hope that the purposes of God would once again triumph in the lives of the faithful. Our generation needs to hear from the ancients to tremble and rejoice at their vision of God. This semester we will take lessons from the old school and turn our hearts to the prophecy of Habakkuk; a word given by God on the eve of one of Jerusalem’s darkest hours.
As we start down this road together I want to take the time to give a substantial overview of the book of Habakkuk. Yet to do so we must lay some additional groundwork before we begin. Habakkuk is a minor prophet, a book which lives in that large and murky region of Scripture known as the Old Testament. For this reason, I want us to spend some time discussing this testament of the Holy Bible. So my goals with this paper are twofold: first, to give a high level overview of the importance and content of the Old Testament Scriptures and second, to provide an adequate overview for our journey through the ancient words of Habakkuk’s prophecy. With that said, lets jump right into that Old Testament Old School.
Up next...The Importance of the Old Testament