POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Uncommon Descent » If only people knew more science . . .

There is an interesting post over at Uncommon Descent on the relationship of science to the humanities. Is our culture scientifically ignorant due to the teaching of the humanities or is or culture scientifically ignorant due to its anti-intellectual, anti-truth, anti-knowledge worldview that has flowed from the educational establishment. For one, I would argue that our culture is woefully ignorant of both science and the humanities. We don't know calculus and we do not know Plato and we do not know Shakespeare. We know the bus (aka Jerome Betis), playdo, and Britney Spears. It is not a high time for the American intellectual. Secular, Christian, or otherwise. Link - Uncommon Descent -- If only people knew more science ...