I am writing in response to Al Mohler's recent commentary Darkness At Noon: A Post-Christian Age. Mohler's essay is a reminder of the world we live in today. A world where truth is maligned, Christ ruled illegal, pop culture is base and perverted, and lives live huddled behind locked doors, clinging to stuff we do not need. In reading the essay, I could not help but cry out. "Yet brother, we have a blessed hope." So many who are embroiled in the culture wars need to remind us all that we do not live in a universe ruled by darkness, ruled by secular encroachment, ruled by post-Christian powers. No, our universe in ruled by a good and Sovereign God. Dr. Mohler has reminded us all of this in many ways. I just want to encourage everyone that God is not thrwarted by secularism, that the light of Christ still shines brightly, ever more brightly in the midst of the darkness.
He still rules, converts, leads and transforms souls. He uses his people to love the hurting, care for the oppressed, preach good news to the captive. Here is our call to alert. It is this: Love them! Share Jesus with them! Bless the Cities and Highways and Byways with the fragrant aroma of Christ. To some, it will be the smell of death...yes, even to the cultural warriors arrayed on many fronts. But to others, even to the cultural warriors arrayed on many fronts, it will be the aroma of Life!
Yes, there are dark signs today. Yet there have been dark clouds since the ship wreck which happened in Eden. There are dark signs in every age - ours included. But the redemptive purposes of God shall stand through every age. The time of the church triumphant is not yet at hand, nor will it be brought about by politics or rhetoric, but only by the moving of a gracious God. To Him we pray as we yearn, think, study, preach, love, serve, work, and are ever hopefull...while it is still called today.
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan