POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Theology and Practice

I am a big fan of both thinking and doing...in fact, I get frustrated with my own life if I don't do enough of either. Too much thinking and no doing accomplishes little...too much doing without much thinking accomplishes shallow things that blow away like the wind.  This week I found a couple of posts that called me towards depth in both

For Thinking

Paul Helm, with whom I studied in January, has a interesting post on the view about compatabilist middle knowledge.  Not sure I agree with him but he has me thinking. In this post he interacts with one of my favorite books, by one of my favorite professors...Dr. Bruce Ware. Happy thinking.

For Doing

Jonathan Dodson, who is planting a church in capital city of the great nation of Texas, has some great thoughts for doing.  In his post Simplified Missional Living Dodson offers some great insight for being a good friend and neighbor in your community.  Happy doing.

For all my Jacob's Well peoples I encourage you to read the Dodson piece, it will be very helpful as we continue to live our lives together on mission here in Jersey.  Life/Doctrine - Living/Thinking...this is where we are rolling in Ephesians as well.