POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Dawkins and Myth

It is amazing how the most strident critics of theism can believe some pretty amazing things as well. I think if we all stop and look at where we believe we come from you can find all sorts of interesting stories.  For me, I'm a rather simple guy and believe that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" is pretty good stuff.  Of course, those that disbelieve in a creator (suppress the truth of a creator I might say) have some pretty interesting stories of their own.  Usually disproved ideas like "spontaneous generation" or fun sci-fi stories like "the aliens made us." If you like both of these stories you will love Melanie Phillip's account of Richard Dawkins' views  Enjoy!

For example, I put to him that, since he is prepared to believe that the origin of all matter was an entirely spontaneous event, he therefore believes that something can be created out of nothing -- and that since such a belief runs counter to the very scientific principles of verifiable evidence which he tells us should govern all our thinking, this is itself precisely the kind of irrationality, or ‘magic’, which he scorns. In reply he said that, although he agreed this was a problematic position, he did indeed believe that the first particle arose spontaneously from nothing, because the alternative explanation – God -- was more incredible. Later, he amplified this by saying that physics was coming up with theories to show how matter could spontaneously be created from nothing. But as far as I can see – and as Anthony Flew elaborates – these theories cannot answer the crucial question of how the purpose-carrying codes which gave rise to self–reproduction in life-forms arose out of matter from which any sense of purpose was totally absent. So such a belief, whether adduced by physicists or anyone else, does not rest upon rational foundations.  

Even more jaw-droppingly, Dawkins told me that, rather than believing in God, he was more receptive to the theory that life on earth had indeed been created by a governing intelligence – but one which had resided on another planet. Leave aside the question of where that extra-terrestrial intelligence had itself come from, is it not remarkable that the arch-apostle of reason finds the concept of God more unlikely as an explanation of the universe than the existence and plenipotentiary power of extra-terrestrial little green men?

Touche! Ms. Phillips.  I love the little green men who created me!  Seriously, if you watch any sci-fi (and I confess that I partake quite a bit) you will see that many humans have placed their greatest HOPEs and FEARs in the existence of ET. He will either save us or destroy us...maybe because some believe he made us.  Hmm...as a follower of Jesus I have "placed my hopes in the living God, who is the savior of all people" - I'll just watch movies and TV shows about ET. 

Full story is available at the Spectator.  Is Richard Dawkins Still Evolving?