POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Pastor as Resident Theologian

The Theology track from the recent Acts 29 Bootcamp in Louisville, KY is now online. The following were breakout sessions offered, and they are listed in the order sessions were given.

Pastor as Resident Theologian Track

  1. Revival - When God Comes to Church by Ray Ortlund, Jr.
  2. How Theology Can Kill Your Church by Joe Thorn
  3. Church Planting and Historical Theology by Dr. Gregg Allison and Reid S. Monaghan
  4. Pastor as the Resident Theologian by Daniel Montgomery

Thanks to Tyler Powell for getting everyone wired up and recording the breakout sessions…It was a great privilege to introduce and teach one of the sessions with my good friend Dr. Gregg Allison.