Engadget has a great summary of all the coverage of the new Palm Pre over at their site. For your convinience I have brought all the links to you here as well. Also, Palm has now placed a QuickTime version of its CES Press Conference on its web site here.
Engadget Coverage of the Palm Pre
The liveblog
Live from Palm's CES press conference
Impressions / hands-on coverage
Palm Pre first hands-on with live updates!
Palm Pre in-depth impressions, video, and huge hands-on gallery
Palm Pre interface tour
Product announcements
The Palm Pre
Palm announces webOS platform
Palm Pre's wireless charger, the Touchstone
In depth / details
There will be a GSM-friendly 3G Palm Pre
Palm stock on a rocket to recovery
Palm's Pre gets its own spot on Sprint's website
Palm Pre website now live with official images, video
Palm's the master of its own domain, the king of its own Castle
Palm's Pre boxed
Palm Pre ads appear on Engadget