Technology Motions...
- For the Firefox users out there, I am currently using Release Candidate 2 of Firefox 3.0. The final version should be available for download on June 17th. Apparently Mozilla Corporation, the non profit who produces the fox, is looking to shock the world and set a world record for downloads. Be one on June 17 and be part of history...and Firefox 3 is awesome. I have greatly enjoyed RC2 - RC3 is up here. This is an area where Mac people and PC people can unite against the man...neither Safari nor IE for me for let Firefox 3 cometh to me.
- For Palm, Facebook Users - if you use a Treo or a Palm Centro, Palm just released a Facebook client that runs on your phone. I downloaded it and it is pretty basic but very nicely implemented and pretty peppy as well. If you have a Palm phone and you are hooked on Faceboo, you can get that here.
- Of course I am sure you have read all the news on that other little phone that was announced on Monday. iPhone 3G. Amazing price on this thing, though AT crap T has raised its plan prices so it will actually cost you more after the 2 year contract. But at least you feel like you are getting it for 199. This phone looks amazing...I still like real keyboards though. We'll see - I may move to iPhone or wait another year. We are contracted with Spring until Fall 2009.
- Electronic Notetaking - I have recently been using Microsoft OneNote 2007, digital notetaking software that was bundled with Microsoft Office. I will just say that it is killer - sort of like a moleskin that is searchable, etc. I have also been looking at Evernote which has an online client in beta which is accesible from any web browser. It also syncs with a Mac OSX or Windows desktop client. Cool software category which is likely to get better. Windows Mobile has a OneNote client and Evernote is on Windows Mobile, Java Phones and soon to appear on the iPhone. I will still likely use a moleskin at red lights but having a "thought space" on my laptop that integrates with web browsing, e-mail, search etc is pretty sweet. Some other apps in this space: Google Notebook (web based) Zoho Notebook and NoteScribe...