POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Christoga - What the...

OK, I was baited into this one by a good friend whose PR department would not permit him to blog it...and he figured I would be his huckleberry.  Well, he guessed correctly.  Christoga - a nice combination of YOGA and Christ - or is it?  Now, I happen to have some dear friends who are committed Christians who were converted from Hinduism.  It is interesting that Indian people who become followers of Jesus typically call poses dedicated to certain eastern gods...well...idolatry.  Not us western, Oprah Winfrey watching, syncretism loving "Christians." We like our bodies to be filled with Yoga and our hearts with some person we vaguely call "Jeeezus."

Now, I am not going to get into a debate here on whether stretching is bad - of course it is not.  Of course Yoga type stretching increases flexibility, strength and can make your body healthier.  Yet if you want to stretch you do not need "Christoga" to do so.  You certainly do not need yoga to "worship Jesus." Also, "getting centered" and eastern meditation are the antithesis of seeking the peace of God through meditation upon God's works, his Word and his attributes.  Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46)...this is the result of something Yoga cannot offer, a relationship with the creator God who is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble...yet we love to grab cool eastern stuff and mix it up without even knowing what it means.

OK, all the Yoga loving Christians can now send me your kind, loving, tolerant comments...