Some seminary blog friends tagged me with a reading Meme. So here goes.
What are you reading on Spring reading days?
Spring reading days...hmm...don't have that as an external but here is what I am currently picking through. I am about six chapters into Keller's book The Reason for God. I am also reading a book from the UK entitled Total Church by Chester and Timis. Not sure if this counts but I am also listening to The Mystery of the Middle Ages by Thomas Cahill - a strangely ecclectic volume.
What do you wish you had time to read?
Gospel in Pluralistic Culture by Leslie Newbegin, Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard, One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches by George A. Yancey
What have you decided NOT to read that you were assigned to read.
I'm only in one class so I am gutting it out and reading it all :)
What is one great quote from your reading?
This is odd - I heard a great quote from Francis of Assisi from Cahill's book. It is on the third audio MP3, thirty minutes in...I do mean to go back and transcribe it. I think it is this one though:
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;to be understood, as to understand;to be loved, as to love;for it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.Why are you blogging? (You’re supposed to be reading!)
As anything we do, I think I am blogging because I want to...and I think God wants me to as well. I blog primarily to think and write about things that interest me - mainly the gospel, theology, technology, philosophy, culture and stuff that makes me laugh out loud (stuff like this). As such my blog is a work of eclecticism - shallow enough in many spheres as to perplex those who read the site. Is this a tech blog? Is this a theology blog? Is this a Christ and Culture Blog? Apologetics? No - well, maybe a little.
I want to tag Owen Strachan with this (even though he is now at Trinity)