Pop Culture
- There is a fascinating site/java application which consistently scourers the blogosphere for people talking about the way they "feel." Apparently it looks for the word "feel" and pulls that data. It then uses a cool Java applet to aggregate the data with some fun visualizations. I watched the "murmers" screen as it scrolled down how people feel in our world - made me pray for people. Very cool - here is the link - http://wefeelfine.org - The creator of the site gave a speech about it at TEDS which can be viewed here at the TED conference site.
On Science
- There are two interesting posts up over at Uncommon Descent. The first is a quote by Thomas Jefferson...though no fan of "Jesus, Jesus, we love Jesus" stuff he was certainly a proponent of design in the universe. Great quote found here.
- Second, did you know you are 70% acorn...or visa versa...and you thought you were mostly chimpanzee.