Together for the Gospel is running a contest of sorts with the winners receiving a free pass to the T4G'08 party. Here is the description:
Hey Friends, Time for some fun! For the next few weeks, we're going to give away a free T4G 08 registration on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to whomever gives the best answer to a question we post. Today's question is
If you could have anyone from history join the cast of speakers at T4G, who would it be and why?
Here are the contest rules:
- Questions will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
- Post your answer in the "comments" section.
- Your answer must be accompanied with a working email address.
- Each question will remain open for 48 hours.
- The winner's name and answer will be posted sometime after that 48 hour period.
- Winner receives free registration for him/herself or a friend.
- Responses must be in 100 words or less.
Any takers?I just submitted my 99 word response. I'll post it here if I don't win - I like my entry but not sure if the guys will or not. If you are a taker, here is the link.