POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

My non blog life

It is amazing how off line life can keep me from developing content for the blog here.  I in no way resent this, but feel the reality often.  I have had a great holiday with much "quality time" (not said cynically, but will joyful sincerity) with my wife and three kids.  It is a great delight to know and walk with my little people - even more to be known and understood by them as they get older. 

I have loved getting to know Kylene better as she rounded her four year mark last week.  She is on her way towards learning to read with her letters and most sounds under he little belt.  She loves to run back and forth in our house (yes, we let our kids run a bit in the house - bad parents!) and spend one on one time with Mom and Dad.  She is also able to ride in a booster seat now so it is fun to take her out with me places without having to take the mini-van.  Not that I have van shame or anything. 

Kayla, our six year old, has become a bit of a football buddy of mine over the holidays.  Yes, I have watched too many games and read less than I intended.  Alas, I must learn to give grace to myself.  But Kayla and I just love watching a game together.  She understands almost all the rules (not sure she gets touch backs and safeties yes) and is a pretty active fan. Some man will be blessed some day - just doing my part.  We continue to learn the 10 commandments and teach them to Kylene - fun to see how 4 and 6 year olds see the relationship between Law and Gospel.  I am also reading Nehemiah with Kayla to prepare her for our new series in "big church" - she comes with us now must Sunday mornings and was scratching out here little sermon notes today.  I did almost get teary eyed.  It is fun to have both girls exclaim loudly a cacophonous "Boooooo!" whenever we read the names Sanballat or Tobiah in Nehemiah.  Equally fun to hear them yell "Yeaaaaaa!" when we read the name of God.  Rowdy bed time Bible time - I just love it. 

As always these little girls really steal my heart away.  I took them to see a movie the other day and just watched them sitting there and prayed for godly young men for both of them some day.  I love having daughters and it is one of the greatest callings of my life.  I can't help but be thankful.  Young boys on notice - me and Tommy are watching you already - speaking of Tommy.

Little Tommy Reid has been a great treat for me this season of slowing down.  I have so enjoyed getting him up for breakfast, sitting him in a little chair and talking to him like he is a big man.  I also like the fact that he can come into the bathroom and watch me shave (fascinates him).  With little girls there are certain things you cannot share, but having the little man with me for bathroom time is really a trip.  He also has learned a new word which he says whenever he passes a television..."butball" - Yes, did I mention I have watched too many games?  I love it that he like balls, wrestling with Daddy and head butting.  Oh why did God give me a son - too rich of a grace.

Finally, I have enjoyed the times with family both in North Carolina where Kasey's parents live, a weekend with my Mom and Brother and some time with my Dad her in Tenn.  Parents are also gracious to allow me to take my bride out on a date or two while they baby sit/play with/bless/grandparent our kids.  Kasey and I are have had some laughs over the break - I have even willfully went shopping with her.  She is also encouraging me in my goals for the spring of getting in better shape and deeping my walk with Christ.  We have our moments for sure, but I still think God gave us something special in our marriage and friendship.  I hope it infects others because it is really something God given and good.

Well, I have a book review and probably a review of my new non Macintosh laptop coming here on the blog.  I travel up to a seminary class next week on monkeys and men (actually entitled Origins) and I have a myriad of to-do(s) associated with Jacob's Well and Inversion.  By the way, if you know anyone with a spare 150K to invest in church planting up north, please let me know - it would help with my schedule - smile.  We are still on track to move in the summer (God willing) and look forward to focus more on the new direction here soon. 

As 2008 began I did not list a whole bunch of books, music, or highlights from 2007 here at Power of Change - but I did want to write a bit tonight about those with whom I spent the last days of 2007.  I call them the Monaghan Home Team - and I love them deeply...much more than I love to blog...even more than football games.