POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

A loved little boy...


OK, this is my one year old boy Thomas Reid Monaghan.  AKA Tommy Reid.  I know many of you prayed for this little guy last year when he had so much trouble at his birth.  We are thankful that he is healthy, growing and doing push-ups.  Well...sort of.   

A prayer for young Thomas:

My Son, May grace rest upon your soul
May humility mingle with boldness as you grow into a man
May you grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with all
May you learn to trust, but learn to question
May you learn to labor, and learn to rest in God
May you embrace sanctified masculinity, but never barbarism
May you rise to love, serve and lead well all those who will surround you
May you not give way to a generation floundering in a sea of lust
May truth be your guide, hope your companion and the risen Christ your vision all of your days.
You are loved and treasured - but not above our God - may he alone rise to the highest place in our affections. May our hearts ever be one in him.