Some of you know that I spent six years at Virginia Tech starting a ministry there with varsity athletes, a large portion of which were on the Hokie football team. I have been asked several questions over the years about Mike and have been somewhat hesitant to speak. For one, I do know Mike and spent some time with him at Tech before he went big time. Second, when someone has that much spotlight on him, is given that much money it is a little tough to know what affect that has on a person.
Some of you may have seen the press conference where Vick issued his apology. If not it is available here.
I guess the most frequently asked questions I have been asked about Mike are: 1) Do you think he did it (recently this has been asked over and over) 2) What do you think he thinks about God? The second question is of more interest to me. You see, I do pray for Mike and have since 1998 when I first met him. As he is likely to go off to jail in the near future my prayer remains what it was after our discussions about Jesus on the VT campus.
- That he would learn the gospel of grace proclaimed in the New Testament.
- That someone would have both the time and opportunity to teach him about life and godliness. Our few times were cut short by too much fame, way too quick.