On Science
- A very interesting article on cosmology is available over at the American Scientist. It summarizes contemporary inflationary big bang theory and the poor state of modern cosmological speculation.
- Arm wrestling arcade game - for real men only...this one breaks arms of girly men
- Cool WordPress Theme for Mac fans - the little bomb at the bottom of the screen is what happens when Macs crashed. Yes, I know they told you Mac's never crashed - but believe me, I used to TA a class on them in college and yes they certainly did. If you have a Mac Classic in your house that you made into fishbowl then this is for your blog.
Just for Fun
- What men do when they don't have jobs and a mission - they devise ways they can be like Jason Bourne. Don't try these at home.
- This...is just nasty: A Beijing factory recycled used chopsticks and sold up to 100,000 pairs a day without any form of disinfection, a newspaper said on Wednesday, the latest in a string of Chinese food and product safety scares.