It seems that there is a bit of a poster banter going on in the blog world.
First up was the Pyro's - Emergent-See Motivational Poster's for Emerging Christians. Based on the popular "Motivational" and "De-Motivator" poster genre, the Pyromaniacs smack a few straw men, but in good fun nonetheless. A few of them I actually found offensive as they seem to lack compassion. But they are using sarcasm so they should not be taken too seriously.
Firing back is Emerging Grace, with some very gracious clarifications. Now, there are some Emerging folks who would have been less charitable. I was quite impressed with this response.
For those of you who are wondering, I am a bit ambivalent to the whole Emerging brief thoughts are on my Jacob's Well to be honest, I appreciated something from both sets of posters.
(HT - Brett Kunkle)