I wanted to drop a quick note to all of the POC readers out there and publicly congratulate my good friends Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal - aka "Rhett and Link." These guys have been burning up the web video and campus comedy world for some time, so those who know these guys the news I will share here is not surprising.
But for those who do not know them this video is a good place to begin.
I met these guys when they were juniors in high school when my girlfriend Kasey (who is now my wife) and I hung out at a beach weekend with some of their friends. We were big time college folk and imparted some deep spiritual wisdom and gospel truth to the young brothers - obviously none of it stuck, so we needed to try again. Fortunately, the next year Kasey and I got another at bat with the kids. While we were building a support base to go into ministry with Athletes in Action, we decided to hang out with the high school kids again for another year. We taught classes at the church with the high schoolers on Sunday and Wednesday nights, and also listened to Rhett and Link's Christian punk, alt, death metal, acoustic, confused sort of rock band affectionately known as the Wax Paper Dogs. We knew we had to make a difference in their lives, for they were about to go to college. Well obviously, none of it stuck. But the guys did go to college, received engineering degrees from that red and black school whose mascot is the "Wolfpack" and then went off to launch a comedy/ministry life with students on college campuses around the mid south of the United States.
Well, the rest is history and they have gotten more and more props in the online comedy world. Now, they have gone big time. As if winning 3rd place in the Intuit Turbo Tax Rap competition (for this rap) and starting the ensuing rap battle wasn't enough, Rhett and Link recently announced that they are going to the show. Their Melodelcious Vlog is up and rolling over at dotcomedy and they will be hosting a network television show entitled Online Nation on Sunday nights (7:30/6:30c) on CW.
Most importantly, all joking aside, these guys are good men, good fathers (well, this video may call Rhett into question), and they did listen back in the day. I am praying for them in these new endeavors to walk well and kick it strong in the entertainment world. Godspeed to you brothers, and always remember who we represent...and where you came from.