If you are a user of the Logos Libronix software (sorry MacIdolaters, the Mac version is in the works but not out just yet) and do any sort of preaching, the following Addin looks just great.
Sermon File Addin Here is the description from Logos' web site:
Copy and paste your sermon or illustration from Microsoft Word, another word processor, email, or a web page. Or import a lifetime of sermons from the MS Word files (or any HTML formatted files) on your hard drive.
The Sermon File Addin grabs the text, formatting, and automatically hotlinks Bible references within your text! Just key in a few optional details like title, date, topics, and Bible passage to easily find things later.
The addin remembers topics and tags you've used in the past and suggests them as you type, which helps keep your index clean and consistent over time.
FlexibleYour sermons and illustrations can be formatted and structured the way you want. You can apply standard topics or invent your own. Add tags to organize your sermons and illustrations by duration, occasion, rating or any other attribute you can think of!
PowerfulSermon File Addin applies the power of the Libronix Digital Library System to the task of organizing your illustrations and sermons.
That's right...we're unleashing several million dollars' worth of technology on your sermon file!
Your sermons and illustrations are compiled as two separate books within the Libronix Digital Library System. These books are fully indexed and searchable by word, phrase, topic or Bible reference.
Greek, Hebrew and other language text within your book of sermons or illustrations is recognized, so you can KeyLink to a lexicon. You can even embed links to other resources within your digital library.
SerendipitousThe old joke says that when you get to a certain age you can hide your own Easter eggs. But regardless of age, we've all experienced the feeling "I know I have a clipping somewhere that relates to this topic." Or the sinking feeling of "I wish I'd found this in my files a week ago!"
The Sermon File Addin provides the solution: your sermons and illustrations will show up in Passage Guide reports. So when you're studying a passage you will be alerted to every relevant illustration and sermon you've written or collected…and never again forget that you were saving it for just such a time!
In fact, you could say that Sermon File Addin facilitates serendipitous discovery.
Looks like a good deal at $49.00 bucks...I'm going to read up on it a bit more and may take the plunge today. Personally, I try to use electronic sources for everything - I seldom keep paper articles and illustrations. I use the web, store/archive stuff I write electronically (always on two hard drives), and footnote using ISI's EndNote (which is now out on the Mac) To be able to search all my past teaching with Logos tricked out search technology is compelling indeed.