There is some fast action on the web in many of the POC Blog a HUGE POC Bundle was due. Here is a ride down a large slide of links...
Bible Translations
All my friends know that I have been and continue to be somewhat of an ESV evangelist. Two good pieces of news on that front:
- Mars Hill Church in Seattle has switched over to the ESV. Our church did so about a year ago. Glad to see others joining the party. See Pastor Mark Driscoll's reasons for switching here. For his full essay on Preaching and Bible Translations see here
- And the ESV continues to grow in usage: (This data may still reflect some bloat in ESV numbers due to a “Spread the Word” outreach bible they were selling New Testaments on the cheap in October)
The Church
- New book on the theology of Emerging Churches is forthcoming from Zondervan.
- John Yates and Os Guinness way in on why they left the Episcopal Church over at the Washington Post.The reasons they provide are well articulated yet heartbreaking.
Theological Reflection
- The Resurgence has begun a new podcast entitled the Heidelberg Project - Here is there description: Welcome to the Resurgence’s second podcast feed titled "Resurgence Heidelberg Project" which will run each week for all of 2007. The Heidelberg Catechism was divided up into 52 sections and will be read by pastors, professors and other godly men and women in the Church. The Heidelberg Catechism has been translated into many languages and is the most influential and most generally accepted catechism from the Reformation era. The desire of Resurgence is that believers in Jesus Christ stay biblically faithful while reaching people in their community and we believe this project will give support in this missional life. There will be weekly audio downloads of people reading this historic Christian confession of faith. I plan on listening with my kids.
On Science
- National Geographic has an interesting show upcoming that features views of children in the womb. The pictures are pretty amazing.
- The ESV Blog has a link to how Google Earth is being merged with data to use as a Bible Atlas. It is cataloging 1100 places mentioned in the ESV translation of the Bible. Very cool - here is the link
General News
- This is what is meant by "filthy stinkin rich"