The generous souls at Desiring God just took things to another level. I have always appreciated the pastors, ministers, and servants who choose to give things away to the public rather than to add to the financial portfolio with every download, article, audio or video message. Now, I do not think it wrong that some charge for these things, but I just think it is very right, when possible, for people to give it all away. In our age where technology greatly aids the distribution of resources, it is a great joy to see people use this to grace the church with quality free wares. Desiring God, with a pay as you can, free sermons, articles, mp3s, has been a great example in our day. Now, they have taken it to the next level with a great site design.
The site's asthetics are very similar to the other version, yet with much cleaner lines and evolved graphics which have a contemporary but elegant sensibility. The major improvements are in the areas of site design, usability, and navigation. Two thumbs up. Now they even have J. Piper's video sermons coming online.
Many thanks to The Philippian Fellowship who has paid the bills. We are grateful. To see the new site - take the tour.