On August 3rd at 9:28pm, Thomas Reid Monaghan was born.
8lbs 2.5 oz, 20 inches
If you read this post we ask for your prayers. About seven minutes after his birth, he was showing much difficulty with his breathing. For the last seven hours he has been under an oxygen hood where they are trying to transition his breathing. He has yet to be with his mother as of 5:00am on August 4th. Thankfully, he was a big baby who has enough fat that he has not yet needed to eat. His blood sugar is at a good level and he is being watched closely. He may soon be moved to the Neonatal ICU if his breathing does not improve. Please pray for Kasey and I - we are exhausted after a long day of labor and are concerned for our son. The doctors feel he will adjust fine over the next several hours. We are praying for this good report yet finding rest difficult to come by.
Now to him that holds each soul in being and holds our son in his hand we give thanks and praise for this precious one. We committ his life to the God of all comfort and the Sovereign of the world.
Thank you for your prayers