POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Promises Made, Promises Kept

Long ago, many would have rightly worn the titles of scholar and pastor, as two portions of the same baseball hat.  Today, that species is perhaps a bit more rare, but indeed alive and well in some corners of our land.  Mark Dever is one of those men.  He has a strong passion for thinking, living, and loving well under the lordship of Christ.  Many know him for his emphasis on "healthy churches": caring deeply about moving elders back into congregational life, loving discipline in the church, depth in the people, and training young pastors.  He is also a huge proponent of expository preaching through books of the Bible.  Did I say he was big on preaching through the Bible? 

His labors in this over the years have now produced a gem for the people who follow Jesus.  Two stocky volumes have been put out in the last year which feature his overview sermons and brief commentary on every book in the Bible.  These two works I recommend to any lay person, they are very accesible and with the content written for normal folk, not dudes with heads shaped like Marvin the Martian.  Quite frankly, I have only read several chapters in the books, and cannot recommend them enough.

If you are new to the Bible, get these books.  If you teach, dialogue, converse, meditate on the Bible, get these books.  Very approachable, practical, with wonderful clarity. 

Amazon has them both for sale together for like 45 bucks - the Old Testament Volume retails for 40, so this is a steal.   

Very often I like books, very rarely am I deeply thankful to God for certain volumes - these I am thankful to have on my bookshelves...I pray they lead to a well worn Bible...for indeed these books point you into, rather than beyond - the book we all need more of in our souls. 

You can get them here: 

Promises Made: The Message of the Old Testament

Promises Kept: The Message of the New Testament 
