POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Oh Mother...

When I read the sermon of the new leader of the American Episcopal Church, I thought "Oh Brother" but then again I guess I should say "Oh Mother"

The Episcopal Church seems to be seated before a big hot bowl of confusion. First, it has consecrated an openly gay bishop who left his family for a man. Now, the new female leader of the denomination, Katharine Jefferts-Schori, seems like she has been to a few too many milk and honey ceremonies.

I always thought Mary was the holy Mother - not Jesus. Who knew?  Here is an exerpt from Jefferts-Schori's homily:

That bloody cross brings new life into this world. Colossians calls Jesus the firstborn of all creation, the firstborn from the dead. That sweaty, bloody, tear-stained labor of the cross bears new life. Our mother Jesus gives birth to a new creation -- and you and I are His children. If we're going to keep on growing into Christ-images for the world around us, we're going to have to give up fear.

The entire context of the homily is available here: Episcopal News Service

Al Mohler had a great comment on the sermon:

This idea of a "Mother Jesus" giving birth to creation is precisely the kind of gynecological theology that biblical Christianity opposes. Creation is not birthed from a divine womb --- it is spoken into being by a divine Word.

Mark Driscoll also makes a good observation about the tragic Episcopal situation:

Second, the far-left wing of the Episcopalian Church is, like Judas, in the process of hanging itself. The worldwide Episcopalian communion is widely diverse, with most Anglicans rejecting hard feminism and homosexuality. Additionally, membership in the American Episcopal Church, as in other mainline Protestant groups, has been declining for years and has remained predominantly white. More than a quarter of the 2.3 million parishioners are sixty-five or older.

When Christians punt the gospel, reject the Scriptures, and leave Jesus - well, he doesn't seem to hang around. And without Jesus, associations of people playing "church" do not last. People would just rather play golf than go to a church without beliefs, and unwilling to stand for the gospel.

It grieves the heart that many have historically departed from the gospel for bowls cultural faddage.

Pray for the American wing of the Anglican communion. Pray that the African Anglicans who love the Scriptures and the Gospel may convince their western sisters and gay brothers of their departures from the faith. Pray that the Bible believing Episcopalians in America would find homes to love and serve Jesus - God the Son - and be free of this Mother silliness and get back to the important work in the world for the Kingdom.