POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

The New Yorker on the Gospel of Judas

Aside from its slight dig at inerrancy (and misunderstanding that doctrine) and a humble lean towards the human side of the composition of the gospels of the New Testament, this article is very helpful in understanding of the gospel of Judas and its lack of significance.

I love the closing passage:

Whether one agrees with Jefferson that this man lived, taught, and died, or with St. Paul that he lived and died and was born again, it is hard not to prefer him to the Jesus of the new Gospel, with his stage laughter and significant winks and coded messages. Making Judas more human makes Jesus oddly less so, less a man with a divine and horrible burden than one more know-it-all with a nimbus. As metaphor or truth, we’re sticking with the old story. Give us that old-time religion—but, to borrow a phrase from St. Augustine, maybe not quite yet.

I would only add, the old time religion of the New Testament is the only one that is the Christian tradition. The other odd ball aberrant relgions, be it a mix of NeoPlatonism with the Jesus figure, or a star gazing mystery cult, have all been found wanting. And discarded long ago.

Link - The New Yorker: The Critics: Books

(HT - Tim Dees)