POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Colson Responds

A couple of months back Mark Driscoll recounted listening to Chuck Colson speak. He spoke of Colson's influence on his life as an early Christian and then posted the following poignant questions for Colson:

  • Is Christianity at war for culture?
  • Is it beneficial for Christians to speak of themselves in military terms such as war when speaking of their engagement with lost people and their ideas?
  • Does the concept of a culture war cause Christians to fight moral and political battles rather than gospel battles?
  • Does the greatest threat to Christianity come from forces outside the church, or from inside the church, through leaders who are more like Judas than Jesus?
  • Do Christians have the right to continually claim the moral high ground when they are statistically no more moral than the average pagan?

Yours truly responded to the questions earlier here at POC but I am sure Chuck Colson's answers would probably be more interesting.

Just in case you are not sure about that, Colson has now actually responded to the questions over at Resurgence: Chuck Colson 2.0 | Resurgence