The trailer for the movie Amazing Grace is now online. The movie will chronicle one of the best and least known stories of history where a Christian statesman worked tirelessly for years to abolish the trade of slave in the British Empire. For those interested, John Piper has a great biographical sketch of Wilberforce online here. Additionally, there are a slew of biographies coming out:
- In January Piper's essay will be published in a book entitled Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce.
- Also in January Kevin Belmonte, consulting scholar to the film will release A Journey Through The Life of William Wilberforce which will be a pictorial effort.
- In February Eric Metaxas' Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery will be released by HarperSanFrancisco.
- The Piper biography is also found in the book The Roots of Endurance. With that book you will get the stories of pastors John Newton (author of the hymn Amazing Grace) and Charles Simeon as well.
Here is the trailer from YouTube: