Mark Driscoll poses some good questions about the concept of Culture War over at Resurgence. His contention is that an older generation sees America as a Christian rooted nation and that there is a war for the soul of our country. He poses the following questions, which I want to swing the bat on...though only briefly as I have some work to do!
Is Christianity at war for culture?
I would answer this with a resounding no. Rather, Christianity is a war for the souls of women and men in cultures. Jesus' mission was to come to purchase men for God from every tribe, tongue, language and people (Revelation 5:9). You might go ahead and say "purchase men from every culture" though I prefer the language of the Bible. The fight is not for the soul of a culture, but rather to see souls redeemed who will then redeem and transform culture to the glory of God.
- We struggle not against flesh and blood
- We want to take every thought captive as Christians making it obedient to Christ
- We want to live a kingdom culture as the church in and through various cultures
- We reject that which is unholy (Phillipians 4) and embrace, participate and rejoice in culture that is not. We desire not to be polluted by the world, but we do not desire to avoid the world.
- We should see that with tears and know that their end is in the hand of God - not our hands (Philippians 3:18)
- We should not be frightened (Philippians 1:28)
- We should feed, clothe, love our enemies and overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21)
- We should preach the gospel because it is the power of God for salvation. (Romans 1:16) Culture is changed when people get changed
- Do Judas like Leaders hurt the cause of the gospel - Oh, Yes
- Do lying professors who distort and suppress the truth in unrighteousness hurt the cause of the gospel - Oh, Yes
- But do any of these thwart the hand of a Sovereign God in his purposes for the church? In the end, no. But woe to those through which these things come. O God may it not be me...dang it, it probably is me. Thankful for Jesus.