Justice: partnering with individuals and organizations that are working to end hunger, poverty, human trafficking, and environmental degradation
Community, Connections, and Cohorts: coordinating the efforts of existing networks and establishing cohorts around the country
New Networks, Outreach, and Affiliates: establishing new connections with various networks and organizations
Events: coordination of events that Emergent hosts, co-hosts, and sponsors
Diversity: a thrust to broaden the Emergent conversation, to bring in persons of different ethnicity, socio-economic, racial, and theological persuasion; also works to ensure that the male-female ratio in all Emergent initiatives are as close to even as possible
- Communication and Development: coordination of our efforts to communicate clearly and to raise funds
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. James 3:1I pray that passage from James always drives me to my knees...may all teachers of the Word, emergent or not - take heed. Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, Sola Christos, Soli Deo Gloria --------