Just what does Sex have to do with the Supremacy of Christ? Such a question would cause John Piper to go nuts to be sure. What might he answer? EVERYTHING!!! For if God be the all satisfying center of the universe, the one being who created all and wills all things for his own glory - Sex is first and foremost about God.
Part I of Sex and the Supremacy of Christ sets to answer the question - what is the relationship of God to sex.
In Chapters 1 and 2 John Piper sets out to show that sex serves two purposes in God's world:
- Sexuality is designed to help us know Christ more fully - it points to Him, and in marriage sex illustrates the deep union of God and his people
- Knowing God in Christ more fully is designed to guard and guide our sexuality. That knowing God as God creates a hunger for holiness that guards and guides our sexual passions. In other words all pleasures and passions in this world take their proper orbit when the highest good and passion of our lives is God himself