POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Peru Update II

Hey guys, The last two days have been pretty high pace. The hospitality here is overwhelming and warm – the love of Christ abounds. Our worship teams have done an awesome job leading the services here. Over Sat and Sunday I have preached 5 times – 15 came to Christ during the Sunday morning services! The church has a great follow up ministry which grabbed all the people who responded to the gospel. Many more indicated decisions on Sunday night but I am not sure of the number – many hands raised after my message and Pastor Richardo’s (Comas Church) invitation. Today we did some work at a construction site – mainly scrubbing metal structure (a new church plant) to prepare for painting. Some of us had to climb up a good 20 feet and work up high J The young women on our team also did a great job serving and loving the children here at the school. Tonight we have an evangelistic outreach at a public school showing a pro-life film and Jared and Mary Beth Dragoun are sharing a testimony as a young married couple (value of marriage). Tomorrow we kick of the Apologetics conf with Plenary 1 – Intro to Apologetics (Reid) and Seminar 1 – Postmodernism, relativism, pluralism (Reid)… Dale Fincher (RZIM) is doing a forum at the University that night before heading over here. On Wednesday and Thursday Dale and Mike Vogt (Fellowship Bible Church member) will handle plenaries 2 (Growing your faith through the life of the mind - Fincher) and 3 (Using Apologetics in Evangelism – Vogt) as well as two seminars (Creation and Evolution – Vogt and The Human Person in the 21st century - cloning, euthanasia, abortion – Fincher) This is a huge equipping opportunity which could spread into Lima in the future – I may need to study Spanish in the coming years J Not sure what night the TV people are coming…Dale and I are supposed to interview as well… We appreciate the prayers and know that God is bearing fruit here – people coming to faith in Christ! Let the nations rejoice and be glad Reid