Hey guys,
The last two days have been pretty high pace. The hospitality here is overwhelming and warm – the love of Christ abounds. Our worship teams have done an awesome job leading the services here. Over Sat and Sunday I have preached 5 times – 15 came to Christ during the Sunday morning services! The church has a great follow up ministry which grabbed all the people who responded to the gospel. Many more indicated decisions on Sunday night but I am not sure of the number – many hands raised after my message and Pastor Richardo’s (Comas Church) invitation.
Today we did some work at a construction site – mainly scrubbing metal structure (a new church plant) to prepare for painting. Some of us had to climb up a good 20 feet and work up high J The young women on our team also did a great job serving and loving the children here at the school.
Tonight we have an evangelistic outreach at a public school showing a pro-life film and Jared and Mary Beth Dragoun are sharing a testimony as a young married couple (value of marriage).
Tomorrow we kick of the Apologetics conf with Plenary 1 – Intro to Apologetics (Reid) and Seminar 1 – Postmodernism, relativism, pluralism (Reid)…
Dale Fincher (RZIM) is doing a forum at the University that night before heading over here. On Wednesday and Thursday Dale and Mike Vogt (Fellowship Bible Church member) will handle plenaries 2 (Growing your faith through the life of the mind - Fincher) and 3 (Using Apologetics in Evangelism – Vogt) as well as two seminars (Creation and Evolution – Vogt and The Human Person in the 21st century - cloning, euthanasia, abortion – Fincher) This is a huge equipping opportunity which could spread into Lima in the future – I may need to study Spanish in the coming years J
Not sure what night the TV people are coming…Dale and I are supposed to interview as well…
We appreciate the prayers and know that God is bearing fruit here – people coming to faith in Christ!
Let the nations rejoice and be glad
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan