POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Ministry without Theology?

Melinda Penner over at Stand to Reason has a great little post about the importance of Theology for Christian ministers. See The Study of God We live in a profoundly shallow time for evangelical faith, but their are signs that this is changing. May we pray that love of God with affections and intellect, emotion and contemplation, may rise again to lofty heights in our day. Psalm 139, after a brief meditation on the knowledge of God, the psalmist writes - "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it." High knowledge, too lofty for us - most of the time we never have a thought that seems too wonderful, too mind blowing, that it humbles us to worship. The study of God will never exhaust its task, for the depths of the riches of God are deep, and beyond that is the glorious unknown...plumbing the depths of what is revealed about God makes the soul soar, weep, worship. To know God, to be known by him, such is too wonderful - to love him, to think of him, to praise him as he is and not as we speculate him to be...such is the task of Theology... Thanks Melinda; for reminding minsters of our task Out