Can I just say that I am super stoked to read this book once it is out? In my own spirtual journey, I have straddled two parts of the body of Christ - The intellectual/confessional/ side of things and the Spirit filled/experiential side of things. I never quite saw why the two must be divorced. I think Word and Spirit ought to be both full throttle in our lives. The great thing about this book is that it is being promoted on (a site driven by Dallas Seminary folks) - which is a great thing to see. Dallas has been a stalwart for the cessationist
side of things, so it is good to see men from Dallas putting forth a "pneumatic Christianity" (Holy Spirit led, experienced, intimate Christian faith).
May the tribe increase that rejects the false dichotomy of "Word over Spirit" or "Spirit over Word" - May Father, Son and Holy Spirit lead his people empowered, comforted and gifted by the Spirit, obedience to, fed by, and rejoicing in his Word.
Link - Who's Afraid of the Holy Spirit? An Investigation into the Ministry of the Spirit of God Today
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan