- His is from all eternity – Psalm 93:2
- He is the eternal King – Jeremiah 10:10
- He alone is immortal – 1 Timothy 6:10
- He utterly stays the same Psalm 102:26, 27
Quoted in JI Packer, Knowing God, Americanized Edition (Downers Grove: IL, Intervarsity Press, 1993) 77.His character does not change
- God IS who He IS – Exodus 3:14
- He has no variation or shadow due to change – James 1:17
His truth does not change
- His Word will endure forever – Isaiah 40:6-8
- His Word is eternal and stands firm – Psalm 119:89
- His commands are true – Psalm 119:151-52
God’s ways do not change
God’s purposes do not changeGod continues to act in the ways he did in the time of the Scriptures – we can be sure he will continue to be who he is, act in the ways he acted; he never will act out of character. This by no means makes God predictably, for he is mysterious in his ways, but it does make him incredibly trustworthy as we works out his good and perfect will in our lives.
- He does not change his mind (literally, have regret) – 1 Samuel 15:29
- He does not lie nor promise without fulfillment – Numbers 23:19 Again a great quote from Pink: One of two things that cause a man to change his mind and reverse his plans: want of foresight to anticipate everything, or lack of foresight to execute them. But God is both omniscient and omnipotent there is never any need for him to revise his decrees
Quoted in JI Packer, Knowing God, Americanized Edition (Downers Grove: IL, Intervarsity Press, 1993) 77.
God’s Son does not change
- Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever – Hebrews 13:8
I thoroughly delight in the contemplation of God being an immutable being. How great it is to know, love and worship one who is not a fair weather person. A person who is one way when the fair winds blow east and the other when the gales blow westward.