POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Lord Teach Us to Pray

The first followers of Jesus of Nazareth had an interesting question to ask of their teacher. In Luke 11:1 we find a few men asking of Jesus "Lord, teach us to pray". What prompted the question is of great interest to me as I seek to go spend time in prayer today amidst many a hurried distraction. First we notice in this particular instance Jesus himself had been off for a time of prayer himself. Upon his completion of this time the question arose "Lord teach us to pray. The disciples were prompted to desire prayer as they saw their leader in the practice of prayer with his Heavenly Father. An interesting ending to their petition is also found in the Luke passage. "Lord, teach us to pray as John has taught his disciples." The followers of Jesus had seen something in the followers of John the Baptist - they were people of prayer and were following the pattern and instruction of their leader. I know myself that when I am around a people of prayer and certainly leaders that pray, my heart too is quickened with a desire to commune with God in that inner sanctum of prayer. Today, my life is full of wonderful things. Two little ones up and going this morning, a wonderful wife and friend, a head splitting with ideas for a new ministry, yet I find my heart asking the same question of my teacher and leader. "Jesus, today, this day, teach me to pray."
  • Father, hallowed be your name. Lord, may I fear and reverence you today - for the glorious name that represents to us your beautiful essence and character.
  • Your kingdom come. Lord, let me desire your kingdom, your rule, your mastery of my life and your world. May I be filled with a hope of your coming and a desire to lead others in a kingdom way
  • Give us each day our daily bread - Lord, as I am living in a land of abundance, where the streams of your blessing overflow, let me live a life of daily dependence on your grace and goodness. Let us not forsake our God in the land of plenty, and be willing and joyful in sharing what we have.
  • and forgive us our sins, Lord, let me not become near-sighted and blind, never forgetting your gracious forgiveness of my many sins
  • for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. Lord, let the roots of bitterness depart from my heart and let me forgive others as you have forgiven me
  • And lead us not into temptation - Lord, keep me close to you so that temptation will be discarded when it arrives, keep my feet from the path of the wicked.
Oh Lord, let me say to my soul today - Stand up and bless the LORD your God from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise. Nehemiah 9:5 Out...