POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

An Ode to Stuff...

Stuff flows in and flows out Stuff piles in our attics and garners much clout Stuff sneers and and lingers with a life of its own Stuff fills up and explodes and will constantly roam Furniture, knick-knacks, and storage galore And yet we continually buy more and more Stuff stays around from primary school days with little league trophies leading the way Stuff that sprawls and Stuff that spreads out If I could just one day through it all out Oh stuff how we love thee in the great USA How much of our hearts do you steal away? Will stuff, homes and things gain rule in our souls? Oh God grant us mercy that it never take hold What is the solution to our dilemna this day To follow Him faithfully and to give it away Open hands are an enemy of an abundance of stuff and may God grant us the words - Enough is Enough...