This Tuesday, Kasey and I celebrate the wonder of eight years of marriage. We thank God for his grace to see us through each of those years. It is amazing to see all the changes that we as people go through in such a short period of time - yet certain things about one another remain constant. Our circumstances have certainly changed. After spending over five years without children, the last 2 and a half have been with little babies and toddlers about. We never could have guessed the changes little Kayla and Kylene have brought to our lives, even our marriage has been deeply impacted. Although it has been adjustment, my love for Kasey has deepened as I have watched her grow as a mother. Her beauty and heart shining out to all of us on what we have coined "the Monaghan Home Team." I pray that God grants us many more years together and gives us the grace to love, forgive, and to grow towards one another in the years to come. As we move to a new place, we will undoubtedly lean on each other more without our existing networks of support and friends - I pray we enjoy this time as a great gift of God.
I am my beloveds and she is mine - enough mushiness, but I love that woman.
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan