POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Still haven't seen it

Many friends and family have shared with us the profound experiences they have had in watching the film The Passion of the Christ. Kasey and I are still hoping to find time to go together, but life on the road with a 2.5 and a 10 month old has proved too much to make it to the movies. Hopefully, in a week or so we will escape to see the film. We continue to pray for its impact on the hearts of individuals, even entire communities and countries around the world. As of Tuesday, March 9th, the film has brought in close to $224,000,000 in just under 2 weeks. We are thankful that so many are seeing the last hours of the life of Christ (very close to the accounts in the gospels) lived out on screens around our nation. Kasey and I have had a great visit with both of our families during a few days off for spring break. It has been good to be with them during this season of life - grandparents sure love the kids as well :) We continue to see our little Kayla joy bring joy to others - God is using her to brighten lives each day. ...