In 1 Kings 4 and 5 we find an incredible time in the life of Israel. Their new king, Solomon, has been blessed by God with wisdom, peace, and stability for the life of the nation. This time of stability and peace gives the nation opportunity to work dilligently on a project of utmost importance - the building of the temple of God. The wisdom and and immense wealth that God brought during the early year's of Solomon's reign were to be marshalled for the glory and worship of God. What of our own wisdom and wealth? Where and how will they be spent? We have the great opportunity to use all that God has given us - be it wisdom, wealth, or talents, to be used to establish and advance the Kingdom of God in our day. As in the time of Solomon, NOW is a very important time. We must always see the gifts in our lives as placed in our midst for the purposes of God. Whether we have an abundance of gifts or what may seem like a small ration (Matt 25 seems to teach that we all have been given something, some more than others) we should use them well for the Kingdom and Glory of God!
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan