I am really thankful for a several things we were involved with in the past week.
- vtONE - Prepare the Way It was a great joy to speak to and challenge several hundred believers from all over the VT campus on the topic of "Unity for our Fractured Souls in Distracting Days." There are many pictures on the web site from this evening of prayer, worship and spiritual challenge. The audio from my message that evening is also online at www.powerofchange.org/talks
- Second, our 5th annual AIA pizza eating contest was a huge success. About 160 athletes came out to the event where Corwin Anthony, Chaplain for the NFL's Miami Dolphin's shared about the work of Grace God has wrought in his life and family. Corwin and I had a great time together as brothers, discussing life, our Lord, AIA issues, and the work of God at VT. We have many, many students to follow up with after the evening. Oh yes, Women's softball and Men's Wrestling were the victorious eaters of the night.
- We equipped our students for person reflection and outreach surrounding the Passion Movie with Viewing Guides from Breakpoint and books by John Piper about the real reasons for the death of Jesus