I am working today quite a bit on Czech Project applications and I am just amazed at the young people applying for our summer adventure. It is so encouraging to see young people thirsting for the truth of the gospel, desiring to be effective and passionate witnesses in our world, and laying down their time, talents and treasures for him. I feel it such an enormous privilege to love, lead, teach and serve these students for 5 weeks this summer. It also is a bit satisfying to see what God is doing with some of our Czech Project alumni:
- One is currently in Czech doing missions
- Another heads over for a year there this spring
- Three on our AIA staff (Princeton, Ohio State, and AIA Headquarters
- One is studying at the Trinity Forum with Os Guinness
- One engaged in religious and philosophical studies at Princeton
- Another is starting new Bible studies at Harvard
- Another leading volunteer AIA ministry on her campus
- One more is a track coach and MDiv student at Liberty University