POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Psalm 5 People are longing

Psalm 5 People are longing to know that God hears them...that the high King to whom we pray is attending our cries. The Psalmist expresses this ache here. He acknowledges that God is not one who delights in evil, that sin and wickedness do not live with God - these must be separated from a holy God. The way to come to God is not prideful or arrogant - the Lord "hates" evil - doers. Such language is too strong for our ears today - we shiver at the thought that God hates anyone or anything. The one who speaks lies will be destroyed?!?!! as God abhors those who are bloodthirsty (murderers perhaps) and deceitful. The rest of the psalm is a contrast: BUT I will - enter through your steadfast love - it is only by Grace that we enter into the Holy One's throne room (see Hebrews 4). God's lead in our lives is the key to righteous living - we are dependent. Verse 11 - All who take refuge in God will rejoice and sing for joy. God is the source of our joy and pleasure in life - we must find our hearts in him. Psalm 6 Psalm 6 is a cry to the Lord for deliverance amidst strife and difficulty...He is crying out to God for grace - that he would find deliverance in God, from God's love for him. Deep heartfelt anguish from living in a world with sin, death, enemies, workers of evil - this great need of humanity - for refuge and salvation in a sin sick world is the heart of this Psalm. And my own heart on so many days...but oh for the Love of God in Christ - who shows us a new horizon, yet to be fully revealed in the Sons of God...Come Lord Jesus.