POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Above all Earthly Videos...

There are some excellent video interviews rolling out over time from several of the speakers from the upcoming Desiring God National Conference - Above All Earthly Powers - The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World

I highly recommend these for thinking about reaching people today through theologically driven, culturally engaged, missional churches.  Very interesting video interviews...

Wanna Fly?



Well, there is more than one way to fly like a bird you know.  Check out the following weekend warrior over at Wired Magazine.  A quick quote:

There is no subtle way to say this: Brian Walker plans to shoot himself nearly 20 miles into the air aboard a homemade rocket launched from what could be the world’s largest crossbow. (Seriously.)

You can check out the link and a larger version of the picture at Wired 14.06: START


Logos 3.0

Logos Bible Software just went to version 3.0.  I have been using Logos since the early-mid 90s and this product keeps getting better and better.  In my mind this is such an aid to study that it is worth every dollar of the investment. 

All the 411 on new features etc. is availabe here: http://www.logos.com/logos3 For all the ESV fans out there, the new Word Study tool is linked to the new ESV-Greek/Hebrew interlinear.

Very sweet.  Mac users, let not your hearts be troubled, there is a version in the works

Calling All Geeks - The History of Apple Computer

This week TWIT has a great little podcast dialogue with some of the founders of Apple Computer.  The format is a round table discussion and is quite fascinating if you are at all interested in the history of technology.  If you are a true geek, you will be tasting sweet fruit by taking the time to listen. 

Two Pictures From Early Apple History

Apple II Plus with Disk Drive (Apple was first with a floppy disk drive)

1984 - The First Macintosh Computer 

For true Mac Geeks - Wikipedia has a ridiculous timeline showing the history of the Mac.

Still not a convert, but I do like my iPod.

Kitchen Appliance

This little ditty has led to some fun daddy dancing with my 4 year old and 2 year old daughters. And one beautiful lady as well. The sound out of these little guys is pretty amazing. 

Logitech mm50 Portable Speakers for iPod: Electronics

New Mobile Phones

Business Week Online has some fun technology slides shows they feature from time to time. This week they have one on new moblile phones which are coming out. These are not rumored phones, but devices being launched...most in early 06. One of them is 800 bucks - for corporate big dogs with too much cash.

Link - Mobile Phones: The Next Generation

Real Video Ipod?

Think Secret has a report about a possible next iPod.

Think Secret - Apple thinks big(ger): video iPod to pack 4-inch display HT - Engadget

I want my Broadband! Real Bad!

How about this for a little weekend project:

Link at Engadget: Man builds 60-foot tower to nab some wireless broadband - Engadget

Cool Fun Stuff at Engadget

A couple of fun geek pages over at engadet.com  

  • AI Attack Helicopter Beware of unmanned mini helicopters pouring down fire from heaven.
  • Fun with Apple - Designers and photoshoppers offer their futuristic designs for the next Apple products.  Fun.



Palm, Treo and Brains - Jeff Hawkin's New Venture

Jeff Hawkins, who gave the world the PalmPilot in 1996 (I had one of those first little gems) and the founder of Handspring (who gave us the Treo) is now on to looking ot produce a computer based upon his theories of brain functioning.

An interview with Hawkins is available on NPR - NPR : PalmPilot Creator Models Computer on Brain.

Hawkins new company, Numenta , has this as their mission:

Numenta is developing a new type of computer memory system modeled after the human neocortex. The applications of this technology are broad and can be applied to solve problems in computer vision, artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning. The Numenta technology, called Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), is based on a theory of the neocortex described in Jeff Hawkins' book entitled On Intelligence (with co-author Sandra Blakeslee).
I try to stay up on the Artificial Intelligence conversation, so I need to pick up this book along with Kurzweil's Singularity (which is on its way in one of those delicious little brown Amazon.com boxes)

Mac people step off!

Just kiidding. I like the Mac. Would get one as my next computer perhaps if it could open and effectively convert all my MS Publisher files. But it is funny that the "PC's are a security hazard, Macs never have viruses" schmack is now not so true. You sell enough boxes, somebody will want to attack and hack them. Really, I do like Apple...Especially iPod.

Link - Macs, Safe No More?


Many of us are very familiar with Wikipedia, the Internet Encyclopedia, edited and maintained by some good citizens in cyberspace. Wikis are very common on the net today, and there is a growing Wiki dedicated to the highest of persuits.  As a quick aside, the reliability of Wikipedia has been questioned as mistakes can creep in...yet some are saying that on certain topics, Wikipedia does pretty well.

Enter, Theopedia...

Theopedia is an online encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity edited by a group of net users over time.  Like any Wiki, it is very much a work in progress, but the intial effort looks very good.  I look forward to seeing Theopedia grow and expand over time.  As theological astude Theopedians serve up a course of good teaching to the rest of the world, may their goals be realized:

To centralize the efforts of thousands of net-savvy theologians (armchair or professional) into a comprehensive encyclopedia on all things Christian.

.. a missionary, in the fight of faith and labor of love and evangelism. He has minimal resources where he is at, and is overwhelmed with the scattered resources of the internet. But he stumbles upon Theopedia, a great gateway for him for resources and material. He returns to it to grow in his faith. He feeds on it. Imagine this someday!

Imagine some of the people...living for eternity, eeee, yeah,
You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,
For some day He'll come for us, and his sheeeeep, will live as one. 

They already have a full and growing entry on the most important guy - Jesus Christ - Theopedia and of him we know that the Wiki will never be completed:

Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25 ESV

Perhaps some day my keyboard will be allied with the task of Theopedia.  Perhaps some day. 

Vista...Only Six Choices

OK, I was wrong before. Microsoft will only be offering six, not eight, versions of its Windows Vista Operating System. If I could find software on the MAC that can conver MS Publisher files, I might make the big switch. Though as with such religious conversions, I need to count all the costs before putting my fingers upon the Mac keyboard. Here is the Reuters' release:

Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) plans six core offerings of its upcoming Windows Vista operating system, targeting how people use computers instead of PC hardware specifications, the company said on Monday.
Microsoft to offer 6 versions of Windows Vista - Yahoo! News

Which Windows Vista will you run? You have 8 choices

More proof that we might just have too many choices in life. Which Windows Vista will you run? You have 8 choices. - Engadget

Ten Reasons to Buy Windows Vista

The Windows Vista buzz continues. Link - Ten Reasons to Buy Windows Vista - Yahoo! News

Robot set loose to film your insides

Get ready for the Fantastic Voyage coming to an intestinal wall near you. The University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha has developed a 15 millimeter diameter robot that can crawl and make observations in the intestines. It is small enough to be inserted through the small incisions in the abdomen used for keyhole surgery. Your doctor can use a joystick to control the little booger as it rolls around inside. All those video game junkies may have a future after all Here is a picture, click on it to bring up a full sized version: Link - New Scientist Technology - Robot set loose to film your insides ...

Logos: HomePage

All users of Logos Bible Software (newbies or veterans) will be interested in the Logos Wiki ...

Google Earth Community: Paul's 1st Missionary Journey

Fly with Google Earth on the first missionary journey of Paul...Google Earth is needed. Link - Paul's 1st Missionary Journey ...

TWIT is funny this week

This week's this WEEK in TECH has some funny commentary on the Intel/Apple announcement last week at MacWorld. Unfortunately it gets a bit over the top... ...

Windows Vista

Some good screen shots of the upcoming Windows Vista... Also, a good look at a beta version over at BentUser - Windows XP and Vista b5270 Side-by-Side Will my next PC be a new Intel Mac or wait for a Vista PC down the road? Good think I probably will not be in the market any time too soon. ...