POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

50 Best Robots Ever

Continuing in the 50 best category, Wired Magazine has offered its list of the 50 best robots of all time - some real, some fictional. My vote would be for Optimus Prime - autobot leader and Transformer from my kiddo days. But I do agree with Engadet - What about Johnie Five? ...

Greatest Gadgets of the Past 50 Years

PC World has a fun article up about the 50 greatest gadgets of the last 50 years. Of course all such lists are pespectival in nature, but it is fun to see all the gizmos over the last 1/2 century. Now, whether or not these have made life "better" is a deep and philosophical question. That we must save for other days... Here is the list of these boogers that I have owned:
  • Walkman
  • iPod
  • PalmPilot 1000 (US Robotics!)
  • Atari Video Computer System (1977)
  • Sony Betamax (1975) Yep, we bought one, but when it went the way of the T Rex we got a VHS :)
  • Iomega Zip Drive (1995) - though I went with a Syquest EZDrive first!
  • Play, Inc. Snappy Video Snapshot (1996) - used it with our VHSC camcorder to digitize video
  • Milton Bradley Simon (1978) - this was the first Christmas that I found out the secret about Santa Claus

The Notes To Netflix Pool

People dropping funny little notes when returning their Netflix flix. This one is great HT - Challies

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online This looks very tasty - but what if they go out of business? Hmmm.... HT: Theologica, in turn from Evangelical Outpost .

Inversion Podcast

What is that? Aw, Yeaaaah! The Inversion Podcast is up and running. All of the teaching from the Inversion Gatherings will be pushed out to iTunes and other Podcast Aggregators from this day forth. Podcast Podcast file - www.inversionfellowship.org/inversion_podcast.xml or just connect through the iTunes podcast directory. .

god-casting, Podcasting

Interesting article on the New York Times on the use of Podcasting in pushing teaching out to people - We will be podcasting our Inversion messages this fall as well :) ht - Theologica.blogspot.com

Scripturizer for JavaScript

There is a cool free JavaScript out there that links automatically to Scripture references in any web page. POC Blog is getting Scripturized - directly linking to the ESV You can get Scripturizer from Scott Yang's Blog. Many thanks to Scott for this awesome tool! See this sample - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. .

WiFi in the Sky

United Airlines announces in-flight WiFi plans - Engadget - www.engadget.com United Airlines announces in-flight WiFi plans - Engadget - www.engadget.com Now you can fly and stay connected - this could be a huge help for international travels. Plus, it is cool...I would love to see a complicated graphic of all the pieces of this system (Satellite, routers, air born access points etc.) You can take the boy away from geeky stuff, but you can't take the geeky stuff out of the boy. Out.

Let the Mac Schmack Begin...

Well, it looks like Mac users have much to be excited about these days. From innovative industrial designs, the runaway IPOD phenom, to the tres chique Mac Mini, Mac chatter is alive and well. I must confess that the PC world has looked pretty boring these days. Personally I have too much investment on the PC side to ever switch (plus, you just don't convert in these matters), but I just read something that would at least make a Mac usable in my eyes. What you may ask could cause such possibilities? Video coolness? ITunes Smootheness? No, Bible Software Excellence. Logos Research Systems has just announced that a Mac version of the absolute Best Bible Software on earth will be engineered for the Mac by year's end.

Mac people, smile, for God loves you too!



This morning I am spending a few moments studying 2 Sam 15...where the son of the King is planning a conspiracy to make a power grab. Enjoying the use of modern tools Logos Libronix System - software that makes books much more portable - smile. Seriously, the amount of Biblical reference I can throw on my hard drive, search, study etc. is truly amazing...