So has God disposed things, in the affair of our redemption, and in his glorious dispensations, revealed to us in the gospel, as though everything were purposely contrived in such a manner, as to have the greatest possible tendency to reach our hearts in the most tender part, and move our affections most sensibly and strongly. How great cause have we therefore to be humbled to the dust, that we are no more affected! Jonathan Edwards, The Religious Affections, Banner of Truth Edition (Carlisle:PA, Banner of Truth Trust, 2001) 53.--------
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan
Knowing God - Week 1 – Chapter 1
But when we come to this master science, finding that our plumbline cannot sound its depth, and that our eagle eye cannot see its height, we turn away with the thought that vain main would be wise, but he is like a wild ass’s colt; and with solemn exclamation, “I am but yesterday, and know nothing.” No subject of contemplation will tend more to humble the mind, than thoughts of God…Second, theology enlarges the mind. Again Spurgeon helps us:Quoted in JI Packer, Knowing God, Americanized Edition (Downers Grove: IL, Intervarsity Press, 1993) 18.
Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as a devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity.Finally, not only does theology both humble the mind and set the mind ablaze, the contemplation of Christ is also a balm for every wound and speaks peace to the winds of trial. The study of God, who He is, who I am in light of Him, the purpose and nature of my life in reference to the will of God for the Universe – such is the content of Theology, such is central to human existence. Packer writes that one disregards God and Theology at our own peril. The neglecting thereof, results in what he calls the wasting of life and the loss of one’s soul:Ibid. 18.
Disregard the study of God and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what surrounds you. This way you can waste your life and loose your soul.After laying out five foundational areas of study for theology ( God speaking in his word, God as Lord and King over all, God as Savior in Jesus Christ, God as triune, Godliness as response in obedience and faith to God’s revelation), speaking of basic themes in the study of God (his noncommunicable attributes, his powers, perfections) he moves on to close the chapter by warning those who will study such lofty and glorious things not to allow such knowledge to puff us up with arrogance. The chapter closes with a great explanation of what it means for one to meditate on the truth about God in relationship with and in humble submission before God Himself. Christian Meditation, lost in today’s busy and buzzing world of church programs and bottom shelf faith, is described with great clarity in the finals words of this chapter:Packer, 19.
Meditation is the activity of calling to mind, and thinking over, and dwelling on, and applying to oneself, the various things that one knows about the works and ways and purposes and promises of God. It is an activity of holy thought, consciously performed in the presence of God, under the eye of God, by the help of God, as a means to communion with God. Its purpose is to clear one’s mental and spiritual vision of God, and to let his truth make its full and proper impact on one’s mind and heart. It is a matter of talking to oneself about God and oneself; it is, indeed, often a matter of arguing with oneself, reasoning oneself out of moods of doubt and unbelief into a clear apprehension of God’s power and grace.And with that – I just say Amen! Oh, if more of our counselors and psychologists would prescribe more of the like. --------Packer, 23.
Thoughts on Knowing God - Week 1
An Invitation to an Invitation…
Book Review - The Church of irresistible Influence by Robert Lewis
Robert Lewis, Teaching Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church Little Rock has written a book to chronicle a churches efforts to build bridges of influence into the community it calls home.
Part I - Spanning the Great Divide The first part of the book focuses on the question "What will it take to reconnect church and the culture" - In our day churches have tried many methods of attempting to connect church with people with successes being sporadic. How does the church reach and serve the world from which God has called it out? Some churches are "Seeker" driven, but risk becoming the culture rather than reaching people and influencing culture for the kingdom. Others, promise heaven on earth - health, wealth and abundance - morphing the Christian life into something it is not...dressing up as Lewis puts it "The American Dream in psedopigraphal garb". Others just "preach the Word" without much regarding for the contemporary setting and society the church lives...another problem noted is that so many of our "Christian lives" show so little difference than the lives of those around us. Is there another path to "bridge" the divide between the church and the world - which is faithful to the gospel, the Word of God, yet still effectively engages and influences the world we live in? Lewis describes the experience in his own church of the people growing unchallenged, stifled, and unenthusiastic in their walks? They were "being equipped" but for what? The second chapter addresses how people in our "Postmodern Age" want "real" rather than just "words" when they hear about faith and spirituality. Putting the questions of the usefulness of the term "postmodern" and whether a "Postmodern Age" is actually possible aside, Lewis is correct in saying that people need to see the living proof of Christ in us and not a proclamation of Christ and the abundant life void of incarnational (lived out) reality. If we are to reach and influence our world we need to "build bridges which balance public proclamation with congregational incarnation. Bridges which are suspended by the steel cables of the Great Commandment as well as the Great Commission" page 40 (note - the bridge building metaphor around which the book lives I found to be very fresh and compelling) The conclusion of part one is represented on the emphasized statement on page 41 We need churches that would be a community of people who stand firm in the truth over time against raging currents of opposition and who present living proof of a loving God to a watching world Part one closes with an excellent selection of Scripture (Matt 5:13-16, Luke 6:31-35, Acts 20:35, Rom 12:20,21, Gal 6:9,10, Eph 2:10, 2 Thess 3:13, 1 Tim 6:17-19, Titus 3:8, Titus 2:11-14, Heb 10:24, 1 Pet 3:13) which testifies that believers should be living out good works, loving our enemies, persevering in well doing, so that the world may see and glorify God. A good, albeit brief historical commentary on the love and service of the early church within the Roman Empire is proof that lives of "living proof" truly effect, influence, and transform the world. Proclamation of the gospel (the power of God unto salvation) and good works in the name of Christ make huge impact in the world.
Part II - Designing the Structure Part two lays out the thesis of the book - that Jesus Christ's "big idea" was to make his church a force of irresistible influence in the world. Jesus promises that the gates of hell shall not prevail over his church and that his people would be salt and light in a harsh and dark world. The result will be praise to God. This idea - a church of irresistible influence is contrasted between churches who are trying to only "meet needs" or "achieve bigger is better success stories" - Such successful big churches many times become islands without bridges, stuffed full, yet not influencing their world, they have little to say to the lost world around them. The church must build bridges of irresitable influence, people of faith must connect and give their lives away in good deeds and service in the communities the church calls home. Much of the rest of the book is a great look at how one church - Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock sought to mobilize its people to gives their lives away to become an influence for Jesus Christ in the community. There are great looks at church structure, stories of changed lives (and yes many many who find faith in Christ), as well as the struggle to align the church outward into the community rather than inward, self-focused and self-consumed. The latter parts of the book put great flesh on the ideas communicated Part I and II. Much more can be said about the book but I agreed with its message almost to a point - although I can always find something to disagree with - smile. The church must preach the gospel and give itself in good works in the name of Jesus . We cannot just speak the Gospel. We will have to embody the Gospel. Gipsy Smith once said: 'There are five Gospels Matthew Mark, Luke, John and the Christian. And some people will never read the first four." Out...
The Passion Movie and The Gospel Truth
- This one is a bit lengthy - A thorough treatment and defense of the NT accounts is found here: Bias
- Josh McDowell's work on the NT reliability is still helpful and found here - Ready Defense
- Gary Habermas has great paper on the topic - NT Reliability
- A summary of the extra biblical corroboration of the biblical history
- The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel is a good popular level treatment
- The works of Craig Blomberg (The Historical Reliability of the Gospels, Jesus and the Gospels), Gary Habermas (Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ), JP Moreland (Jesus under Fire, Scaling the Secular City) and FF Bruce's The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? are excellent resources.
- Can I trust the Bible - A short yet excellent booklet by Darrel Bock - Part of the RZIM critical question series.
- No Lost Books of the Bible?
- Lost books This has actual links to the texts of some of these writings.
- An article about the Davinci Code from Christianity Today Magazine.
- A DTS Dialogue - Dallas Seminary Professors Discuss the DaVinci Code
- Breaking the DaVinci Code by Darrell Bock
- The Passion of Jesus Christ by John Piper. Great deal for purchasing by the case for give away
- Experiencing the Passion of Jesus A Discussion Guide on History's Most Important Event by Lee Stobel and Gary Poole
- Breakpoint's Passion Viewers Guide-A useful guide for questions about the film and a great list of resources - downloadable PDF available.