Oh yes, it is good to be from Chapel Hill tonight!
POC Blog
The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan
Article about the Terri Schiavo Starvation...
Many times amidst the buzz, it is tough to get a perspective on what is really happening. I found this helpful - Rev. Robert Johansen on Terri Schiavo on National Review Online
Such a sad situation in our country - why the zeal to have this woman dead?
Spain PM-Elect Steps Into Controversy Over Iraq
Apologies for a brief step into the world of Western Civilization and Politics, but something is happening in Europe which in my mind is no good sign for things to come. Everyone has now heard of the terrible carnage wrought in Spain last week at the hands of terrorists...see Yahoo! News - Spain PM-Elect Steps Into Controversy Over Iraq The terrible evil of the destruction of lives at the hands of terrorists has shaken the Spanish people to the core. How did they respond? The current government which has backed the US in the war on Terror as well as in Iraq was sweeped from Power on Sunday for new Socialist leadership. Here is the thing that is almost unbelievable. The current government initially was saying the ETA (a domestic terrorist group) was responsible but suspicions rose as to the role of Islamic militants. As it continued to be discussed with links to foreign terrorists begining to emerge, the people suspected that the current political leadership wanted to hide the Islamic connection. The Spanish thought was that this could be reprisal for the Spainards role in Iraq. If this was the work of Islamic terrorists, then it must be because the Spanish were in Iraq. So what do the Spaniards do? They vote out the current government in favor of one who will pull out of Iraq. So here is what may be unfolding today on the continent.
- Terrorists rock a country with a heinous and cowardice act of violence
- That country thinks it may be becaues the terrorists are upset with the role this country is playing in Iraq.
- The people vote out the government that took them to Iraq in favor of a new one which will get them out of Iraq.
Going Tribal?
USATODAY.com - Dean scream gaining cult-like status on Web For those of you who may follow political rantings, this one may just take the cake. Howard Dean, after his third place finish in the Iowa Democratic caucuses, let out a bizarre screech while pumping up supporters.
It sound so strange it is almost tribal. Indeed our society, largely having rejected categories such as truth, goodness and beauty (what were long known in the West as the transcendentals) may be heading back into tribal behavior. Unguided, unbridled expression is almost a virtue today, while thoughts towards true virtue and goodness are quickly evaporating. We may again see a return to all sorts of savagery in the future of Western Civilization - lest the Lord of truth, goodness, and beauty may yet powerfully visit us once more. Such is my prayer...that believers, wherever they find their geographical or cultural domicile, may live lives of love reflecting the grace and glory of God found in our Lord Jesus Christ. Let our lights so shine in these strange and weary times.
Soli Deo Gloria...